PGF Agri are now Bobman dealers for North Wales


We are pleased to announce our latest new sales franchise of Bobman Sawdust Dispensers covering the whole of North Wales.

These innovative machines will remove urine, dirty bedding and milk-secretions. But that is not the best bit.

As well as removing the above from the barn aisles to create a cleaner area, a new layer of bedding replaces the old and removed bedding for making the area dry and ready for your cattle.

These machines are specifically designed to create a cleaner, healthier and more comfortable environment for your animals to make milk of the highest quality as possible.

Bobman does the ordinary cleaning and maintenance work easy to perform for the cattle farmers. They can clean the bed stalls and remove the old bedding while scattering a new and fresh layer of bedding in one operation. This helps to keep the cell count down and remove infectious bacteria’s if regularly removed and filled with new bedding.

As these actions are performed simultaneously, the result is milk with higher quality of milk and profit. Another benefit is that it takes less time to clean the bed stalls which improves the efficiency.


PGF Agri Are Main Dealers for Bobman In North Wales

PGF Agri Are Main Dealers for Bobman In North Wales


Included in the Bobman range are:

Bobman Super

This fast and effective bedding spreader, spreads the bedding on a simple rational way under the cattle, that secures consistent layer from a distance from 0-4 meters. Sweeping bed stalls, cleaning slits, spreading straw and disinfectant in the stalls with about 120 cows takes less than 4 minutes. This model is recommended for up to 150 bed stalls.


Bobman Frontload

A compact & versatile bedding spreader that simplifies the process of cleaning and maintenance work and increases the cattle’s well-being, which results of an improved quality of the milk. It is perfect for applying cutter straw, sawdust, wood chips, waste paper, lime or disinfectant powder and the machine is self-loading. It is the ideal solution for the medium or large herds.


Bobman Selfload

An efficient and time-saving self-loading bedding spreader for larger herds. Compact and versatile, this machine is self-loading and can be equipped with a mini bedding-box to spread the disinfectant powder. Fitted with a diesel engine is has a typical operating time of 180 minutes.


Bobman Powerlead

This machine perfect for applying separated manure solids. The volume of the spreader box is 1.1 m³ and it can be equipped with a hydraulic self-loading spreader box. It is the ideal solution for medium or larger herds and can be used to add different bedding materials. You can also equip it with a manure scraper and use it as a small feeding-mixer.


Bobman Promax

A compact, powerful and easy to operate tool carrier with a double brush for easy cleaning and sweeping of feeding areas.  Feedturner for pushing up and blending the feed to improve feed efficiency and reduce labour costs and to reduce left overs and feed selection. It remains the ideal choice of the dairy farmers using only lime or powder disinfectant.


Bobman Multiload

A multifunctional bedding spreader equipped with vertical auger and conveyor belt. The volume of the spreader box is 0.8 m³ and it can be equipped with a hydraulic self-loading spreader box. It is the ideal solution for larger herds and can be used to add different bedding materials. You can also equip it with a manure scraper and use it as a small feeding-mixer.



For more information on the Bobman Sawdust Dispensers, contact our sales department or visit the Bobman website.

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